Students inch their way down the 400 Hallway
People should follow the “rules of the road”
IMAGE / Mr. Darrick Puffer
Miranda Blaine
At the end of every class, the ringing bell signals the release of about 1,200 students to roam freely throughout the halls, the 400 Hallway specifically.
Many students complain about the hallway traffic moving too slowly or sometimes stopping completely.
Why is it that the traffic in the hallway is so slow and why does it, on occasion, stop moving completely?
One reason is that the hallway is crowded.
About 1,200 students are enrolled at KHS and there is no way to avoid the 400 Hallway because it is the largest hallway we have, and it also connects two parts of our school together. Some students’ lockers are in this particular hallway, causing the hallway to be narrower when the lockers are open.
Additionally, students tend to carry their backpacks from class to class. This is unfortunate because the backpacks take up even more space in the 400 Hallway.
A second reason is that students are able to use their phones during passing time.
When a student attempts to text and walk at the same time, she often walks slowly. Due to the platooning effect, if she is walking slowly, then it slows everyone else down behind her.
A third reason is that students do not know the rules of the road.
Hallways are structured like roadways. Drive on the right side, turn left from the left turn lane, and so on.
However, students do not like to obey these “rules of the road.” Many students walk on the wrong side or turn into a class from the wrong “lane.” These illegal actions slow down the general speed of the hallway.
All in all, please be courteous to other students and work to make the 400 Hallway a little faster.

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
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