Men need feminism, too
First things first – feminism is the movement toward equality for BOTH genders.
It is not just for women.
Men need feminism, too, whether or not they would like to believe it.
Men need feminism because when they are in an abusive relationship they are not taken seriously.
If a woman is abused by a man, everyone is up in arms (which they should be). But why is it not the same for men?
Men deserve to be taken seriously just as much as women do.
A man who is raped or molested is told to shake it off.
No one, of any gender, should be told just to deal with something that tragic. Men are frowned upon for sharing their feelings or crying.
This is not fair. This is not equality.
These are seen as “feminine” things that men should not do.
It is OK to cry. It is OK to be sad.
Men are expected to be strong and the “breadwinner” of the house.
However, stay-at-home dads are becoming more and more prominent, and many think this is strange. It is just as important for men to bond with their children as it is for women.
If a man wants to quit working to take care of his children, he should not be criticized for it. Too often men are seen as incompetent or helpless when it comes to taking care of themselves or their children.
In equal relationships, both the man and the woman should pay for dates.
It is the 21st century.
Men should not always be responsible.
I am not saying that it is not nice and appreciated, but when you are in high school or college you may not have the money to pay every time.
Men are told they should not be receptionists, waiters, or hair stylists.
If they need a part-time job or that is what they want do with their lives, why is that not OK? Men should not be looked over for a job because they are not female.
Life is hard for men, too, and they should not be tossed to the side.
Men are made fun of or not included for being “feminine” or uninterested in things like sports. Men should not be expected to conform to certain expectations, just as women should not have to.
Men are also insecure about their bodies.
They are “supposed” to be tall, but not too tall; muscular, but not too muscular.
Feminists are slowly crushing gender biases.
Just because you are a man does not mean you cannot be a feminist.
In fact, it is in your best interest.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council Vice President, National Honor Society Vice President
Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering,...