AMC Theater debates phone use during movies
IMAGE / Gracen Nelson
Many people believe that photos should not be used in movie theaters.
We all know that one person who texts with their brightness all of the way up and talks on the phone during the movies.
In a recent article by The Detroit News, the AMC Theater chief was considering having certain theaters that will allow people to be able to text and be on their phones while watching a movie.
Many people did not approve of AMC’s idea, and many people on Twitter took it upon themselves to tell AMC how unhappy they were about it.
Movie fanatics were criticizing the chief of AMC Theaters for coming up with this idea.
People who frequently go to AMC Theaters were saying they would never attend a movie there again if texting was allowed.
Because of this, Mr. Adam Aron, who became CEO of AMC Entertainment Holdings in December, quickly changed his mind on the idea.
AMC Theaters respected moviegoers and decided against allowing people to be on their phones during movies.
I believe that it is never OK to be on your phone while watching a movie.
Unless an emergency has happened, God forbid, refrain from texting and talking.
As a movie fanatic, I cannot stand when I people on their phones.
All I can think is, “Why did they pay for a movie if they are going to be on their phone? They are missing the movie.”
It is rude and distracting to others who also paid to watch a movie.
I have only ever texted at the movies during the previews, and even then I felt bad.
To find out about others opinions on the topic, I surveyed 15 of my classmates and asked them two questions: 1) Have you ever texted on your phone during the movie? and 2) Is it OK to text during the movies?
Texting must be common because 14 out of the 15 students said yes, they have texted. One of the students did not own a cellphone, but if he did, he said he would probably text.
But just because students text, they do not think it should be done since 14 out of the 15 students said no, it is not OK to text during the movies. One student did say it was OK.
The majority rules in the matter of prohibiting texting during a movie. But it is odd that 93 percent of students said they have texted during the movies, but 93 percent also said it should not be OK.
For those that do text during movies and know that it is disrespectful to others, why continue to do it?
Texting can wait. Just like while driving, please do not text during a movie.
Please, be respectful to others.
You may think it is OK to send that quick text, but others do not approve.
If you need to take a call or text, leave the theater before doing so.
Do not ruin the movie experience for others.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: DECA, Drama Club, works at Kmart
Sports: Tennis
Plans after high school: Attending Mott Community College,...