Remember these unspoken rules to follow at the movie theater
IMAGE / Makenzie Schroeder
When going to the movies, people generally expect to have a pleasant time.
They expect to sit in a quiet, dark theater with only the sound of slurping soda, crunching popcorn, and the film. A few laughs and sobs may also be heard depending on what movie is playing.
But that is not always the case.
Unfortunately, it is hard nowadays to visit the movies where everyone is following the typically expected theater etiquette.
There may not always be a sign hanging or a notice before the show that lists these rules, but it should just be general knowledge that movie goers abide by.
Here are eight unspoken rules that everyone should follow at the movies.
Rule #1: Do not bring a baby in the theater.
It is understandable that parents need a night out for fun occasionally, but babies are usually loud, and movie theaters are usually expected to be silent, other than the sound of the actual movie.
No one likes paying to see a movie that is drowned out by the wails of a newborn.
That is just a waste of money.
So, unless you want a large group of people upset with you, hire a babysitter.
Once your child is around the age of 4 it is OK to start bringing them to the theater, as long as the film they are watching is age appropriate.
Rule #2: No texting during the show, especially when your phone’s screen brightness is on full blast.
When sitting behind someone who is on their phone with a brightly lit screen, it can be distracting.
If a person’s screen is dimmed and they are only texting occasionally, that is usually tolerable. If a person has their phone out the entire time, though, it can be a nuisance to those around them.
Not to mention phones are not allowed by most theaters to even be out during a movie.
Rule #3: No talking on the phone.
There is always that one individual who will sit there during a movie talking on his or her phone.
No matter what movie or who is around, these people’s conversations always seem to be their top priority.
These people are usually loud and especially annoying.
Not to mention this behavior is just plain out disrespectful to those around them.
We all paid for this movie, so do not be the inconvenience for all of those just trying to have a good time.
If wanting to talk on the phone, exit the theater and come back once your conversation is over.
Rule #4: Do not talk loudly during the show.
It is OK to talk during the beginning commercials or make a few quiet comments to those around you about the movie, but do not be that person who is loud and obnoxious the entire time.
No one likes a loudmouth, so do not make yourself into one.
And if someone around you asks for you to quiet down, do not be disrespectful or ignore them.
Instead simply take into consideration the idea that you may be making too much noise and simmer down.
Rule #5: No PDA
Holding hands is cute, but sucking off your significant other’s face is not.
Hugging, cuddling, and even lightly kissing is OK. Just know your boundaries.
Other people are around that may feel uncomfortable by that, so keep it PG-rated.
No one wants to watch you and your love interest get too cozy; they paid to watch a movie, not people making out.
Rule #6: Do not throw food.
This rule may seem outrageous, but, unfortunately, there are people who actually do this.
Usually, it is a group of teenagers or younger children throwing the popcorn at people around them, but either way it is ridiculous.
Parents: Teach your children manners and get them under control.
Teenagers: You are old enough now to know that this is just plain out rude and unacceptable behavior.
Popcorn belongs in a bowl or a person’s mouth, not someone’s hair.
Rule #7: Pick up your trash.
This includes empty cups, popcorn bowls, and candy wrappers.
The movie theater employees are not anyone’s personal slaves. Their job is not to just clean up after people.
It is OK to leave a few pieces of popcorn on the floor or something else very minor. Just do not be that person who leaves an entire spilled popcorn bowl on the floor.
You would not leave a huge mess like that on the floor at home, so do not leave one at the theater.
Rule #8: No feet on the seats.
It may be super comfortable for you to prop your feet up on the seat in front of you, but not for the person who has to sit by them.
Honestly, would you want to sit by someone else’s feet?
This is not your home, it is a public place for everyone to be able to enjoy. Not just you.
All in all, people just need to respect those around them and take everyone into consideration.
Follow these eight rules so your time, and everyone else’s, can be enjoyable.

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