Fighting is never the answer, violence is never the solution
Last week a 16-year-old girl from Delaware was beaten to death in her high school bathroom.
The fight was over a boy.
She was jumped by two girls as her classmates watched and filmed the fight. Several reported seeing her hit her head on a sink.
No one made an attempt to help her.
No one got a teacher or an adult.
No one called the police.
I am disgusted and embarrassed by people who think fighting resolves anything.
These girls fought over a boy. A boy who was, most likely, playing all three of them. A boy who does not care about them. A boy who none of them will date now.
When did it become OK to fight other people, especially over such stupid reasons?
I hope that people will grow up.
I hope teens will stop recording fights and instead make an attempt to stop it.
I hope girls will one day realize that no high school boy is ever worth it.
This girl lost her life for no reason.
I truly cannot believe that stories like this are still happening. I cannot believe that this is still happening in schools.
Those girls who mercilessly beat her deserve to be tried as adults.
Anyone who stood by and cheered them on or filmed it also deserves to be charged with a crime.
This is repulsive.
All it would have taken was one teen to step up and try to prevent it or get a teacher.
What did this fight solve?
Do those girls think that boy is going to fall in love with them now?
They are now murderers.
A 16-year-old girl lost her life and that can never be taken back.
Fighting is the most immature, inhumane thing anyone can do. All it does it hurt others and get people in trouble.
Grow up and handle your problems like adults.
I am so sorry for the family of the girl who lost her life.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council Vice President, National Honor Society Vice President
Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering,...