Tina Fey delivers a strong performance in ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’
Tina Fey stars in “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,” a movie capturing journalists in Kabul, Afghanistan, during the war.
The movie held my attention the entire time; not once was I bored.
Fey captures the character of Kim Barker, a journalist who travels to Kabul, perfectly.
Barker is a fearless, brave reporter who puts her life on the line to report back to the United States what is happening in Kabul.
I believe that the movie accurately shows how the war affected and still affects both Americans and Afghans.
Barker needs to feed her love for journalism and she does just that but repeatedly going into the action the war causes.
Barker, with the help of other reporters, brings what is happening in Kabul to light.
Although it is a comedy, Fey captures the seriousness of being an American reporter in a foreign country during combat situations.
Billy Bob Thornton plays Gen. Hollanek, a Marine who first dislikes Barker, but slowly grows to like her.
Hollanek and Barker eventually team up to save a life and get a great story, though it is not without loss.
“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” is based on Kim Baker’s memoir “The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” which follows her experience covering the wars in both countries and how they are broadcast to America.
From her Saturday Night Live days, Fey really breaks away from only being in comedies.
Fey’s strong performance is a good change to see.
“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” has comedy, but also action, drama, and war, and the title comes from the military alphabet when using the first letters of each of those words.
This movie is also rated R for violence, language, sexual content, and drug usage.
This movie is a must-see for lovers of journalism, wars, and Tina Fey.
I give this movie four out of five stars.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: DECA, Drama Club, works at Kmart
Sports: Tennis
Plans after high school: Attending Mott Community College,...