Stay healthy this cold and flu season
IMAGE / Mr. Darrick J. Puffer
Ruth Erickson
With the cold and flu season in full swing many people feel there is no escaping the viruses.
However, there are ways to help protect yourself from the the cold and the flu this holiday season.
First, get plenty of rest. This may seem simple, but by getting a full night of sleep your immune system is recharged and more prepared to fight.
People can get busy this time of year and get stressed out, which causes their immune system to become weak.
A good night’s sleep can help you feel energized for the events ahead.
Getting a flu shot is just as important.
The common misconception that the flu shot can give you the flu is untrue.
A flu shot is made from a dead virus and can protect you against the predicted strains of flu that year.
Getting a flu shot is easy. Just go to your local pharmacy or your doctor’s office.
Washing your hands is the most significant thing you can do to help prevent disease.
Germs are spread through contact, as in everything you touch. The best way to get rid of those germs is through washing your hands.
But do not just dribble a little soap on your hands, run them under water, and call it good.
You should lather up and then scrub everywhere, including under your nails. The temperature of the water does not matter, but the act of scrubbing your hands removes the germs.
If you do not have soap and water handy, do not worry.
An easy thing to carry with you is hand sanitizer.
Although it is not considered as good as washing your hands, it is a great thing to have on the run. Throw it in a purse or backpack, and you are ready to go.
Hand sanitizers come in all forms, from a liquid to a spray, or even mixed with lotion to keep your hands from becoming dry.
They are affordable, come in many scents, and kill the cold and flu virus.
Even if you do not have any, just ask a classmate. They are sure to help.
Keeping your body healthy is also very important.
Sweets are very popular during the holiday season, but they can affect your immune system, too.
Try to keep a diet rich in vitamins during the cold and flu season. Vitamins play a crucial role in the functions of the immune system.
If you feel like really boosting your immune system, take vitamin C. This vitamin can seriously help your immune system fight off viruses and bacteria.
Keeping hydrated goes right along with nutrition.
The body needs water to survive. Drink lots and lots of water.
Most people do not get enough water in a day.
The recommended amount to drink every day is eight, eight-ounce glasses. Just drink a glass or two with meals and carry a bottle in your backpack.
With everything that you can add to enhance your drink, water will surely be easy to keep around. There is a flavor for everyone.
Obviously, stay away from those that are sick.
No need to make them feel worse, but encourage them to stay home where they can get better more quickly.
Maybe they feel like they cannot take a day off or they will fall behind, but explain to them that getting others sick would make them feel bad.
Offer to take notes on something they would miss in class, or to text them the homework assignment later.
If they refuse to stay home, the best thing to do is hand them a box of tissues and some hand sanitizer.
And if you are one of those sick people right now reading this, do yourself and everyone a favor, stay home and get better soon.

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, St. Mark Lutheran Youth Group
Hobbies: Reading, Talking, Watching movies, Hanging out with friends