An open letter to all of my teachers: Your impact on me is greatly appreciated
Dear teachers who helped me get to where I am,
As my final days as a high school student come to an end, I would like to reflect on my previous years.
Yes, it might have been a bumpy road, but I made it — it’s senior year.
I will be graduating in June and, as sad as that is for me, my hope is for you to know that I could not have gotten here without you.
I would like to hope that my name brings a smile to your face in remembrance of being a part of your class, but if not, that is OK.
Regardless if my name rings a bell to you or not, your last name (and maybe first name) will always be remembered.
See, as students receive their diplomas, they tend to believe that it was themselves who got them there and, as true as that may be, it just does not seem entirely correct.
As I look back, yes, I took the time to do work and receive the grade, but you as a teacher made that possible for me.
You educated me, had patience, and told me, “You got this!” repeatedly, even when I doubted myself.
You were the one that gave me a reason to keep going, do assignments, stay motivated, stay organized, and, most of all, to believe in my work.
Despite what I thought back then, and the “I hate homework” rants, even my strictest teachers are appreciated now more than ever.
You taught me discipline and to truly work for what I want.
Not only did you choose to become a teacher, you became a life mentor, role model, and friend, too.
You chose to take on so many more roles besides just being my teacher, and I appreciate everything you have done for me.
Thank you for being kind even when I was moody.
Thank you for knowing when to let things slide and when to push me to do better.
Thank you for being gentle with me when I was going through rougher times.
Most of all, thank you ever so much for taking it as a given that I would go to college.
You never treated my presence or my future as an option. Instead, it was a simple question of where and what do I want to be.
Because of your choice of becoming a teacher, you chose to impact many lives besides mine.
Former Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry once said, “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.”
Just by watching you stand and lecture, I acknowledged your love for teaching.
Teachers like you who teach with passion make all the difference.
I owe a great deal to you.
I understand that not every student in the world, or people in general, receives a positive impact with just a smile or a short conversation, so this letter to you is intended to make sure you are aware of the impact you made in my life.
Thank you.
Nadia Koontz

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, DECA, robotics
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing
Plans after High...