I want my future children to know these 10 things
When I think about my future, I think of my career, where I will be living, my future husband, the kind of house I will live in, and hundreds of other things.
Most often, though, I find myself thinking of my future children.
I struggle with whether or not I want to bring children into this world.
With ISIL in the Middle East, school shootings in America, and my own mother not being in my life, I am afraid of what could happen to them.
But every other future parent will be just as scared.
There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of things, I want to tell my children.
Look when you cross the street. Do not go near a stranger. Be nice to those who have hurt you.
Of course, I cannot tell them just yet. I will not have children for another 10 or so years.
But when I do, here are 10 things I want my future children to know and understand.
1. No, you cannot always go.
There will be days, when you are older, when you will want to go out with your friends or significant other.
I will let you, of course. But we, as a family, need to spend time together too.
I will be working, just like you will be at school. If we go a week without spending time together, you better believe you will be home on a Friday night for a game or movie night with me.
We are family, and family comes first.
2. It is OK to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is a part of life.
If you do not make mistakes, are you really living?
Do not dwell on them, learn from them and better yourself from those mistakes.
3. You deserve the best.
Do NOT settle for second place. I do not mean that literally.
Give it all you have. Whether that is playing a sport, being friends with someone, or studying for a test, push yourself to be the best you can be. You deserve it.
4. Do what is right, not what is easy.
There will be moments in life where there is a fork in the road between what is easy and what is right.
I know it will be easy to cheat on a test when you do not want to study. Choose to study, because you may cheat and get an A but you will not learn anything.
I know the easy road well, and it is only easy for a moment. You will regret not doing what is right.
5. Be who you are.
Yes, I want you to be a doctor and a part-time astronaut, but do not listen to what I want for you, or anyone else for the matter.
You can listen to advice of others, but do not let them tell you how to live.
Be who you want to be. Be who you are.
Do not conform to the people around you because then you will just be a copy.
Stand out and do not be afraid of who you are.
6. Do not stress.
School will stress you out, if you are anything like me.
Academics are not everything. Yes, you need to get good grades, but do not worry yourself sick.
You will be where I am right now. A senior in high school, graduating in four months, and changing your college major five times a day.
Do not stress, everything will work out for the best.
7. I am sorry.
I am sorry for bringing you into this world.
It is selfish and unkind, but surround yourself with selfless and kind people to make up for it.
I am sorry for all of the times I and this world will be unfair with you and let you down.
8. Be forgiving.
People will hurt you. I cannot stop everyone from doing it.
Forgive them, and move on, but do not forget that they did hurt you.
If someone hurts you badly or repeatedly, forgive them, but remove them from your life. If they take you for granted, they do not deserve you.
Not forgiving someone lets you hold onto the pain and discontent you have for them.
I do not want you to keep that inside your heart, so be forgiving, especially with me.
9. I am so proud of you.
You will become an amazing person, no matter what you decide to do with your life.
I cannot wait to see what this life has in store for you.
There will be many people who will be proud of you, but as your mother, I will be proudest.
10. You are loved.
It will be in your blood to act out. I did it, so will you. I am prepared for it.
I will get upset. I will be disappointed. I will disagree with some of your decisions.
But nothing you will do can make you lose my love for you.
You and your significant others will break up, your best friends will turn against you, and you will be heartbroken. But your family will always be here.
You will always have my unconditional love.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: DECA, Drama Club, works at Kmart
Sports: Tennis
Plans after high school: Attending Mott Community College,...