“Mmmbeth” takes to the stage Thursday, Friday
IMAGE / Katie Valley
The Drama Club has been working on the production “Mmmbeth” for the past few months.
Now it is time for the sidesplitting comedy to take the stage.
“Mmmbeth” is a comedy of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy “Macbeth,” and a hilarious gender-bending take on the Scottish play.
Everything goes wrong.
The witches take over the storytelling, Queen Duncan would rather open a doughnut franchise than die, Lady M’s a bloodthirsty June Cleaver, and the murderers are preoccupied with creating a commercial for their services.
Julie Lemon, senior, is the student director. She encourages everyone to come see the show.
“I think people will like the amount of violence in this play,” Lemon said. “There is tons of blood and even a chainsaw, but at the same time there is so much humor packed into it people will leave with their sides hurting.”
Cast members have been putting in endless hours to help make this show a hit.
Junior Rian Schulz is one of the hardworking cast members.
“We have put in a lot of hard work into this play,” Schulz said. “I think if you’re able to come, you should because it is hilarious and will be enjoyable to watch.”
Showtimes are Jan. 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. in the KHS auditorium.
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door.
Mr. John Hall, play director, has also put a great deal of time into this production and is enthralled with how it is turning out.
“Quite frankly, it is just a funny play,” Hall said. “I encourage everyone to come out to see it. If you like laughing, blood, chainsaws, and doughnuts, you are sure to enjoy this show.”

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Drama Club
Hobbies/Interests: Acting, reading, watching movies, playing games
Favorite Quote: "Our greatest...

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Drama Club, Thespian Society, National Honor Society
Sports: Soccer
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Writing,...