Resolutions can take place anytime, not just at the new year
On the first of January every year, people all over the country think of New Year’s resolutions.
Some people choose to spend more time with their family, others say that they are going to start acting more positive, and the list goes on.
What makes the first of January so special?
Sure it is the start of a new year, but the “new year, new you” standard should not be limited to the first few days, or weeks, of the year.
If an individual wants to make a change in her life, she should do it any time, not just at the start of a new year.
When wanting to commit to a particular resolution, why wait? If wanting a change, enact one right when you desire to have it.
If you want to start losing weight, start eating healthy and exercising right when you think of that resolution. Do not wait until Jan. 1.
If money is tight and your resolution is to start saving more, start right then.
Many people believe that resolutions begin with the New Year, but there should not be a specific date to set one.
If you are unhappy with something in your life, do not let it continue until the New Year. Instead, make a change right away.
Everyone this year should be resolute to making resolutions all year long.
Not to mention, everyone should make sure to stick with them.
We all know that one person who makes their New Year’s resolution to start working out more. That person buys a gym membership on Jan. 1, but then only uses it a handful of times.
The gym is always packed the first few weeks after New Year’s Eve, but starting in February, things die down.
Some people may even go for a couple of months. But usually they stop going and make excuses about why they don’t anymore, like they are always too busy or too tired.
When people make resolutions, they should not give up on them.
When changing previous habits, gaining motivation and stamina can be hard, but sticking with a commitment is the most important thing.
If you know that you will not stick with a certain resolution, like losing weight, do not commit to it. Only commit to something that you know you will try your hardest to do.
Instead, resolve to be healthier and go to the gym whenever you are able to.
Eventually, after some time, commitment, and endurance, the weight will start to drop.
Once you make a commitment, you owe it to yourself not to slack off and give up.
Also, do not be afraid to make more than one resolution for yourself.
Do not try to commit to more than you can handle, but also do not feel like you only need one resolution.
If you want some things different in your life, make multiple resolutions.
Everyone has the power to pull through, so decide to stick with a resolution this year and do not be afraid to make more than one as the year progresses.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, DECA
Sports: Varsity dance, varsity tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, shopping,...