Lip-sync needs more acts


IMAGE / Chance Wikaryasz

The lip-sync competition will take place Monday, Dec. 14.

The lip-sync contest still needs participants to sign up.

Only five people have signed up for the competition so far, 12 to 15 people are needed altogether. There needs to be at least seven more people to sign up for the competition to continue.

The show will be canceled if the minimum number of people do not sign up to perform in the competition.

The deadline for people to sign up is Tuesday, Nov. 24.

Mr. Brian Clark, business teacher and the organizer of the lip-sync contest, really wants the show to go through this year.

“It’s just like the lip-sync battles on TV, and you can be the star you think you are with no talent needed,” Clark said. “I just want students to get involved because it is a fun time and they would extremely enjoy themselves.”

Students who would like to sign up, should see Clark in Room 203 with the group or solo act name, the name of the song that the act will be performing, and a $10 deposit to ensure their spot in the competition.

Deposits will be returned to students who show up to the rehearsal Monday, Dec. 7, and the performance day Monday, Dec. 14.

If the show is canceled, the deposits will be returned to students.