Ten things I want my younger siblings to know
Throughout the years, things get tough and people get busy. Sometimes, we all need a little reminder so others do not think you forgot about them in the mix. Here are 10 things I want my younger siblings to know.
1. Even though I am not your mother, I will always act like it.
I may only be a couple of years older, but I will always act as if I raised you myself. I changed your diapers and watched you grow up into the person you are today. So yes, 20 years from now I will still ask you to clean your room or wash the dishes.
2. I am sorry for all of the times we fought.
I am sorry for the time I gave you a black eye, pulled your hair, or ruined your favorite shirt. We both have to admit, you kind of deserved it, but I apologize for making you cry.
3. Every time I said I was going to tell Mom, I never did.
My biggest secret is finally exposed. I was just trying to scare you. But let’s also admit that Mom is pretty scary when she is angry, and it always worked.
4. I will always try my best to be there for you.
As we grow up, I hope you realize that I would do anything for you (except give you money because I am broke too.) No matter what time of the day it is, I will drop everything to be the person you can count on.
5. I am your personal diary, forever.
I know your deepest, darkest secrets and even though I have held them over your head once or twice, I will never use them against you seriously. You are my best friend and even though it was never made by choice, I would have still picked you.
6. No one will ever be able to torment you … except for me.
My job is to make your life unbearable. I will always make fun of you or stay in the bathroom making you late for school. I will embarrass you in front of your first boyfriend or girlfriend (if Mom and Dad have not done it already). It is my job as the older one, but if anyone messes with you, do not worry because I got it handled.
7. Do not ever hesitate to call me.
If you need advice, I am here. If you just want someone to talk to, I am here. Please do not ever feel like a bother. Yes, I call you annoying, but no homework or TV show will ever be more important than you.
8. I am proud of you.
No, I am not your mom or dad and though I do not put your best work on the refrigerator, I am proud of you. I have watched you grow into the person you are today and I cannot explain how beautiful of a person you are. I am proud to call you my family. You are an amazing person (but mom and dad still love me more).
9. You are loved and important.
After all of the times we exchanged hateful words toward one another, I will never be able to say I hate you. You are my family. Truthfully, I would never know what to do without you. You have taught me so much just by existing. I would never have the title of being the older one without you.
10. This is not a piece of advice. This is a promise: I love you.
Most of all, please know that I love you. No, we do not always get along, but I will love you regardless. You are what makes me, me. Thank you for teaching me patience and what love truly is. Even though it is cliché, I would take a bullet for you any day. I love you endlessly.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, DECA, robotics
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing
Plans after High...
Tina • Nov 5, 2015 at 9:57 pm
Your mother sure raised such a well mannered young lady! You did so good on this! I’m proud of you and your not even my daughter! You keep shinning bright, you’ll have the world in your hands.
Your mom’s elementary school friend Tina Priest