Eclipse staff join in on Quarantine Challenge
IMAGE / Elizabeth Taylor
The Eclipse starts off it’s photo challenge with staff pictures.
The Eclipse staff has been working hard to publish stories during this unprecedented time.
But when we’re not writing stories, we’re spending our time in quarantine in many different ways.
We wanted to kick off the photo submissions contest with our own quarantine stories.
Send yours to [email protected] or post them on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag “KearsleyOnQuarantine.”

Sophomore Jonathen Hart, sports editor, has been spending his time making TikTok s. This photo comes from a video showing before and after he cut his hair at home.

Sophomore Molly Gunn, student life editor, has been spending time with her dog, Alice.

Senior Elizabeth Taylor, managing editor, has spent time riding her horse, Bud.

Senior Connor Earegood, editor in chief, made an air car for physics class.

About the Contributor

Elizabeth Taylor, Managing Editor
Class: Senior
Hobbies: Horseback riding and bowling.
Future Plans: I plan on attending a university to study optometry.
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