Classes compete for powder tuff championship
IMAGE / Connor Earegood
Classes will compete against each other in the gymnasium Wednesday, Feb. 19, to face the staff team during a Friday assembly. Games start at 5 p.m.
After a snow day postponed the annual volleyball tournament, class teams will compete for powder tuff bragging rights and the chance to take on the staff team in the KHS gymnasium Wednesday, Feb. 19.
Sophomore-senior and freshman-junior matches will occur simultaneously at 6 p.m.
In order to fund the senior class, admission to the game is $5 per person.
The winners will face off to play the staff during an assembly Friday, Feb. 21, while the losing teams will play for third place.
Expecting the event to go well, senior Jillian Locke sees how much fun the event can be for participants.
“The event in regards to the boys playing each other I think will go pretty well,” Locke said. “The boys always seem to have a lot of fun when they get to participate in this.”
Senior Raydoffa Braziel said other teams shouldn’t sleep on the seniors.
“I held a practice on Friday and we were able to get some plays in and we worked on our shots,” Braziel said.
Braziel thinks his teammates are talented.
“We have some heavy hitters coming this year, which include Joe Brulla, Matthew Monroe, Marquez Williams, Brandon Fisher, Ashton Asaro-Nolan, and myself who showed up on Friday and did great,” Braziel said. “I think all classes should watch out for us this year.”
Junior Braylon Silvas is excited for the games.
“I think we will perform better than last year,” Silvas said. “Last year we thought we could just beat everyone and we ended up losing to the seniors.”
The winning student team will earn points for its class in the snowcoming Spirit Cup competition. If the team beats the staff, it will earn more points.
The staff can earn points for the competition by winning Friday’s assembly.
Locke thinks any class can win against their peers.
“The only downfall for the underclassmen is the lack of experience but honestly it could be anyone’s game,” Locke said.
Beating the staff team will not be a cakewalk for the winning class.
“The problem when playing against the staff is that usually most of them played volleyball at some point in their lives,” Locke said, “so instead of playing a game of ‘let’s get the ball over the net’ they’re actually placing it somewhere trying to get the point.”

Class: Senior
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