Toys for Tots drive honors Councilor

IMAGE / Raydoffa Braziel

The Schanick family coordinated a Toys for Tots drive in honor of Mr. Edward Councilor after his first-hour class came up with the idea.

Mr. Edward Councilor left a long-lasting legacy on the Kearsley community with his selflessness and giving.

The Schanick family started a Toys for Tots drive after Councilor’s first-hour class came up with the idea.

Councilor showed his Christmas spirit every year, wearing his Christmas suit and even dressing up as Santa Claus.

His students believe that the donation is a great way to honor him.

Sophomore Brendan Schanick coordinated the Toys for Tots donation so students and the community could give children a chance to have a great Christmas.

The program ran from Monday, Dec. 2, to Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Donated toys for children young children up to the age of 12 were taken to a collection box in the main office.

Schanick felt the donation drive was the right way to honor Councilor.

“We wanted to do something to honor Councilor,” Schanick said, “so I contacted Toys for Tots and they were happy to give us posters and boxes to fill up.”

Schanick is hoping to keep the drive going every year as a tradition.

“Mr. Councilor would always hold toy drives to help our community,” Shanick said, “so doing this is a great way to honor him and to keep up what he would do. Hopefully we can make this a yearly event.”

Senior Katia Traeye-Encarnacion loved the idea of the toy drive.

“I think Toys for Tots is a great idea to give back to those who do not have the means to get gifts for themselves,” Traeye-Encarnacion said. “I am glad that our community is coming together to make a positive change in the name of Mr. Councilor. He will forever be missed by the whole community.”