Seniors share college application stories

IMAGE / Raydoffa Braziel

Many seniors choose to attend college after high school. Three seniors detail their application experiences in this article.

After spending three long years in the halls of KHS, the seniors’ fourth and final year is highly anticipated. Many fail to realize the responsibilities that come with it.

Some seniors who chose to go to college wait until the last minute to apply and procrastinate until just days before deadlines.

The application process can be tedious and challenging, deterring some seniors from applying.

In this story, three seniors describe their application experiences.

IMAGE / Raydoffa Braziel 
Senior Ciara Scott applied to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Ciara Scott

Have you applied to any colleges or for scholarships?

Senior Ciara Scott applied to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

“The deadline for my application was Nov. 1,” Scott said, “and to get maximum scholarship consideration I had to apply by that date.”

Scott wants to continue her musical passions in college.

“I applied for the School of Music, Theatre & Dance,” Scott said. “Singing has been a passion of mine since I was young, and I am hoping to continue that passion in life.”

How difficult has the application process been for you?

When interviewed before finishing her application, Scott felt the pressure of deadlines.

“I would say it has been hard because I’ve been procrastinating since I did not realize the deadline was so soon,” Scott said. “Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and working on college requirements takes up a lot of time that I do not have.”

Scott used her organizing skills to make the process manageable.

“I have been using a planner to create time for myself to complete my requirements,” Scott said. “I know that if I do not set time aside the work will not get done.”

IMAGE / Raydoffa Braziel
After applying to many schools, senior Jakeira Wash will attend Oakland University.

Jakeira Wash

Have you applied to any colleges or for scholarships?

Wash applied to a handful of schools in Michigan, as well as a college in North Carolina.

“I have applied to Oakland University, North Carolina A&T, Grand Valley State University, Mott Community College, and Central State University,” Wash said.

She will study at Oakland with a friend.

“My best friend, Stacia Tipton, and I have decided to attend Oakland University together to share a dorm,” Wash said. “I feel like Oakland has the best educational opportunity for me and it is not too far from home.”

How difficult has the application process been for you?

Wash found the application process to be manageable.

“In my opinion, the process that I had to go through to apply was not that hard,” Wash said. “It was more frustrating and tedious than anything else.

“The applications that I completed didn’t require as much work as I thought it would, so I was able to relax and finish my applications with hardly any stress.”

IMAGE / Raydoffa Braziel
Senior Sierra Walker will attend Central Michigan University in the future.

Sierra Walker

Have you applied to any colleges or for scholarships?

Walker applied to some Michigan colleges and one in Mississippi.

“I have started applying for colleges but I haven’t applied for any scholarships as of now,” Walker said. “I have applied to Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Mississippi State University, and Oakland University.”

Walker plans to attend Central Michigan.

“I am about 90 percent sure that I am going to CMU with my best friend Katia Trayeye-Encarnacion,” Walker said. “I liked speaking to the representative that visited our school and free attendance to our (Central Michigan) games is nice.”

How difficult has the application process been for you?

Applying for college can be intense, but Walker’s mother helped her throughout the process.

“I feel like the application process has been easy for me, though the process is a long and tedious one,” Walker said. “My mother has been a huge help to me during the process and she’s lifted a lot of the load off of me. She’s had to go through the application before, so having her as a confidant allows me to relax.”