Goodbye Clark, hello Mr. Clean
IMAGE / Krista Staley
Mr. Brian Clark will soon be the new “Mr. Clean.”
U.S History and desktop publishing teacher Mr. Brian Clark ends his last year here at KHS with higher expectations to come by this upcoming August.
Although Clark has not been open about his retirement of being a teacher, he hopes that many people will support his decision.
As funny as it may seem, Clark has picked up a higher paying job opportunity as being a Mr. Clean model.
The corporation “Mr. Clean,” owned by Procter & Gamble, is commonly known for their magic cleaning erasers and multi-surface solutions.
The president of the Procter & Gamble headquarters in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, contacted Clark about a year ago after he had entered his photo and personal information in a “Mr. Clean” modeling contest.
Clark saw the article on Facebook and decided to enter as a joke to laugh with his friends, but little did he know he would actually be chosen.
“When I first received the email I started to laugh,” Clark said. “But once I realized it was the real corporation, I didn’t know what to do. What I did know was that I could not turn down that amount of money.”
The advertising agency pays $250 per hour, with at least $1,500 per day being average for models.
Not only will Clark be posing as the character of Mr. Clean in commercials and in magazines, but he will also be helping to sell the product at company fairs.
Disclaimer — This story is made up and is completely fictitious. Don’t believe a word of it. April Fools!

Birthday: March 25, 2001
Hobbies/Interest: Writing, reading, and painting.
Favorite Quote: "Those people who tried to bury you didn't know...