Burroughs dances, marches through high school

IMAGE / Kim Smith Photography

Madison Burroughs, senior, has made her last year of high school the best it can be.

Being a senior is a tough but wonderful time for a teen as they are exposed to many opportunities and clubs.

For some, they take up an instrument or a sport.

But for senior Madison Burroughs, she takes the cake with her trumpet-playing and dancing talent.

Burroughs said she has loved expressing herself through the art of dancing ever since she was born.

Being a part of K-Motion brought this passion back into her life.

“I’ve been dancing since I was little, and I had recently quit dance when I got to high school,” Burroughs said. “My sophomore year, my friend approached me and told me that K-Motion was losing a lot of seniors and was wondering if I wanted to tryout.

“I’ve always loved dancing, and it’s always been a good way for me to express myself. I have been in K-Motion for three years now, but I don’t plan on continuing since I plan to continue band in college.”

IMAGE / Courtesy of Madison Burroughs
Senior Madison Burroughs holds a sign reading “Last Football Game” after her last performance with the marching band.

Burroughs loves her instrument more than dance.

She said that instruments that were introduced to her struck something inside of her to play, enough to pursue them until her senior year.

“I remember when they came to the elementary school with the instruments, and I was just so fascinated with the idea that I could learn how to play one,” Burroughs said. “I’ve been in the band for seven years, and I do plan to be involved in band in college.”

Burroughs enjoys that memory since it motivates her to stick with her musical hobby.

“Ever since then, I’ve just loved music and what it’s taught me about myself and my own abilities,” Burroughs said.

Recently, Burroughs went to Florida for a band competition where the band showed off its music and teamwork in front of judges.

This was their first time ever doing this, but it won’t be their last.

“We (the band) competed with other bands in our division. It was the band’s first time actually competing, which was really cool. We ended up getting second place with a silver rating,” Burroughs said.

Burroughs thinks the trip helped her mentally on how to handle stress and how to push herself to become better.

IMAGE / Kim Smith Photography
Madison Burroughs, senior, will study to be an obstetrician-gynecologist while maintaining her love for music at Michigan State University.

“I do think this trip helped me personally a lot with confidence and working under pressure,” Burroughs said. “I had a couple of solos, and I was really worried about the performance. But I feel like it pushed me to practice more and become a better musician overall.”

Burroughs plans to get involved in her college, not leaving her trumpet behind.

“I’m attending Michigan State University to pursue a career as an obstetrician-gynecologist, a medical professional who specializes in female reproductive health,” Burroughs said. “I’m continuing band as a hobby. I want to audition for their marching band and play in some of their campus bands for non-music majors.”

With all the stresses in life, especially as a senior, you need friends to support you through it all.

Burroughs’ best friend, senior Heather McNeill, has a history with Burroughs.

“I met Maddy in the first grade, but we didn’t become friends until we were in high school and when she tried out for the dance team,” McNeill said.

McNeill said Burroughs has traits that made her easy to get along with.

“Maddy is an extremely intelligent and caring person,” McNeill said. “What made me want to be friends with her would have to be her sense of humor and the fact we share common interests.”

The friends will live together in East Lansing.

“Maddy and I will actually be seeing each other once we’re in college,” McNeill said. “We’re going to be roommates together at Michigan State University.”