Christian hosts ghost-hunting session at KHS
IMAGE / Autumn Prescott
Mr. Kelly Christian, chemistry teacher, is hosting a ghost-hunting session at KHS on Friday, April 5.
Cold spots, disembodied footsteps, and faint whispers can only add up to one thing: ghosts.
While KHS has always sported a small ghostly presence throughout its halls, students and staff alike have been reporting more paranormal activity since the start of the year.
Senior Keegan Cummings saw a spirit in the gym during homecoming spirit week.
“I had gone into the gym to set things up for the pep assembly,” Cummings said. “When I walked in I saw a woman sitting on the bleachers. I didn’t really think much of it until I went to leave and she was gone. I hadn’t seen or heard anyone walk out of the gym.”
Due to the increase in ghost sightings, Mr. Kelly Christian, chemistry teacher, is hosting a ghost-hunting session Friday, April 5.
“The session will be used to prove that KHS is the home of many ghosts and spirits,” Christian said. “I have invested in specific technology used for this sort of thing in order to get the best evidence possible.”
Students interested in the event will enter the science wing doors and meet in the auditorium at 7 p.m. The hunt will start with a search around the school where students will be encouraged to use their phones to capture the spirits on camera.
Many students have reported bright orbs and blurry figures in pictures they’ve taken around the school. Orbs of light are known in the paranormal community as spheres of energy that represent apparitions.
Ashley Harroun, senior, has had multiple incidents at KHS involving other-worldly phenomenon.
“I’ve seen shadows in the auditorium and sometimes when I’m walking down the hallway I pass through cold spots, which is definitely a sign of ghosts,” Harroun said.
Participants will have the opportunity to use ghost-hunting equipment common on shows like “Ghost Hunters” and “Ghost Adventures.”
Technology like thermal cameras, electromagnetic frequency meters, and electronic voice phenomenon recorders will be provided for students to use throughout the night.
EVP recorders pick up the voices of spirits. While spirits can’t actually talk since they don’t have physical vocal chords, the recorders measure disruptions in the surrounding energy fields that represent words.
EMF meters record the environment’s electromagnetic frequencies. Some meters use light to portray measurements, using a color spectrum to show investigators when they are in a high-frequency atmosphere.
A high frequency indicates the presence of ghosts.
Christian believes, with the help of this advanced technology, that he will be able to prove once and for all that ghosts inhabit the halls of KHS.
“It’s been known for years that ghosts roam around the high school,” Christian said.”After the (ghost-hunting) session hopefully people will finally come around to the idea that ghosts are real.”
Disclaimer — This story is made up and is completely fictitious. Don’t believe a word of it. April Fools!

Birthday: Aug. 2, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: NHS, drama club, Freshman Mentors.
Favorite Quote: "Find out who you are and do it on purpose."...