Snowcoming gives students a second chance to participate in spirit days
IMAGE / Autumn Prescott
A series of snowcoming spirit days for students and staff lead up to the championship powder tuff volleyball match at the pep assembly Friday, Feb. 8.
Despite the unexpected snow days last week, Snowcoming is still going strong.
Monday, Jan. 4, is the night of the powder tuff volleyball matches, formerly knows as powertuff.
Seniors will play the sophomores while juniors play the freshmen. The winning team of each semi-final match will then compete against each other in a championship match.
The event begins at 6 p.m. and tickets cost $5 at the door.
The winning team will take on the teachers at the pep assembly on Friday, Feb. 8.
The game is the last senior fundraising opportunity before prom.
To promote school pride during the week of Snowcoming, students are encouraged to dress accordingly.
- Tuesday – Tropical Day, break out the floral shirts and bright leis
- Wednesday – College Day, root for your favorite school
- Thursday – Tie Dye Day, get groovy and find your inner peace
- Friday – Blue and Gold Day, show school spirit for the snowcoming assembly while powder tuff champions play the teachers.
- Saturday – The snowcoming dance will be held at the high school from 7-11 p.m.. Tickets can be purchased at lunch during the week for $10. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Senior Mickeely Dias, class president, encourages students to get involved in Snowcoming.
“It’s the middle of the year and everything is boring and dull so it’s (Snowcoming) is a fun way to spice up the stretch between winter break and spring break,” Dias said.

Birthday: Aug. 2, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: NHS, drama club, Freshman Mentors.
Favorite Quote: "Find out who you are and do it on purpose."...