Student Council lock-in rescheduled for April
Due to a cold day, the Student Council had to cancel the lock-in that was supposed to be held Feb. 13.
The new date is April 17 at the high school.
Student Council is currently in the process of sending money back to the parents that had children planning to attend.
New fliers will be sent out closer to April 17 to have parents register their children.
Swimming, basketball, football, and video games will be offered at the rescheduled lock-in, along with concessions.
In addition, For Mar Nature Preserve will bring in live animals for the children to see and hold.
Junior Hannah Coon, a Student Council representative, plans to volunteer at the April 17 lock-in.
“Changing the date wasn’t a big deal,” Coon said. “Honestly, I think more kids will go since the weather is bound to be nicer closer to spring.”

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
Future Plans:...