Students eager to dance the cold away at Snowcoming

IMAGE / Mr. Marco Verch

The snowcoming dance is on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and will benefit the Senior Class.

Bring out your colorful ties and vibrant dresses because the snowcoming dance will happen Saturday, Feb. 9.

The event will begin at 7 p.m. and end at 11 p.m.

Tickets were sold during lunch for $10 dollars throughout the week. Because of the two snow days, tickets were also sold before school and at the pep assembly, in addition to being sold at lunch.  No tickets will be sold at the door.

Sophomore Mackenzie Alexander said Snowcoming is about having fun with friends or your date.

“I believe it may be for couples, but then again you don’t have to go with a date because you can go with just friends and have just as much fun,” Alexander said. “I know many people including myself who are going to be going to Sadie’s without a date.”

This event is a fundraiser for the Class of 2019’s prom.

Ms. Kristina Cummings, senior class adviser, is hosting Snowcoming.

“I’m very hopeful that this event will turn out great. It seems it will have a big turnout,” Cummings said. “The DJ is very excited as well.”

Snowcoming is an event for the students to dance the night away.

But not only the couples get to have fun — they also get to share the time with friends.

Sophomore Alanah Palasty agrees with Alexander, saying Snowcoming is more than a couple’s dance.

“I feel like a lot of couples go, but when you go with friends you have a lot more fun because it’s a way to just chill and have a good time,” Palasty said.

Palasty said Snowcoming is a place for memories to be made.

“I like going to Snowcoming because it’s a way to have fun at your school,” Palasty said. “Also you listen to good music and chill with your friends.”

Sophomore Hannah Walker said going to dances helps people get self-confidence.

“I encourage students to go to school dances like Snowcoming because it’s an opportunity to just put yourself out there and talk to people you’ve never talked to,” Walker said. “You meet new people and can make new lifelong friends.”