Doorways adorned for holiday cheer

Ms. Rebecca Leslie, women’s fitness teacher, decorated her holiday door with a Grinch-themed display.

Members of the English and counseling departments decorated holiday doors together as Santa’s reindeer. Mrs. Kristi Cummings, English teacher, decorated her door with Dasher.

Mrs. Amy Graham, health teacher, decorated her holiday door in response to the problems with vaping.

Ms. Hattie Molina, math teacher, shares Christmas spirit with her education-themed holiday door.

Mr. Andy Nester, political science teacher, shows holiday spirit with a quote from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and a Christmas kindness challenge.

Mrs. Kim Loyer, math teacher, decorated her holiday door with mathematical humor for the competition.

Ms. Diane Hunt, sociology and psychology teacher, brings humor to her beloved missing sociology book with her holiday door.

Mrs. Caitlin Manson, Spanish teacher, decorated her door with a hand wreath and Christmas lights.

Mrs. Kim Rouvelin, French teacher, created a Parisian holiday door for the competition.

Mr. Rob Markwardt, history teacher, decorated his door with a play on the painting “American Progress,” which was first recreated by junior Jenna Roush.

Ms. Mary Riley, mathematics teacher, decorated her holiday door in a theme of guiding stars with messages to others from students in her classroom.

Mrs. Courtney Cox, biology teacher, decorated her holiday door as a Christmas tree with artwork of students.

Ms. Kari Shaw, yearbook adviser and English teacher, created a holiday door with student-made snowmen.
About the Contributor

Elizabeth Ashley, Reporter
Birthday: January 3, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: Photography, writing poems, makeup, cheer, drawing, painting, and interior designing.
Favorite Quote: "I...