You don’t need to be in a relationship to be cool


Haley Peters

Why does everything have to be about dating with my generation? It’s like if you aren’t dating someone or have never dated anyone, you are automatically not cool.

There are some people who feel the need to play matchmaker, and I’m guessing they do that because they can’t find a relationship themselves.

Just leave people alone.

Don’t try to set them up with someone they don’t like.

I know. Who am I to be saying this? I’ve played matchmaker before, but I was a child when I did that.

I’ve grown out of my childish ways coming into high school as everyone else should do.

Some people don’t want to date. Others should respect that and not try to make them feel bad about it. Not everyone is cut out for a that type of stress.

People these days are just so judgmental.

Before I had ever been in a relationship, people would tell me that I’m not cool. That shouldn’t be said to someone just because they haven’t been in a relationship.

I hadn’t ever been in a relationship because I was too young to be in one, and, honestly, I was too immature to be in a relationship with someone.

We shouldn’t judge people based on such stupid things.

We should let them do their own thing. It’s their life not yours.

Let them live their life how they want. They will choose what they want and when they want it.

We are in school mostly to get an education. Although we socialize in school, as well, dating is not a necessity.

Dating is something you do if you want. You do not have to be in an relationship if you’re not comfortable with it.

Why waste your time and money on someone else when you could just sit at home and watch Netflix?

Just be yourself and don’t worry about relationships. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you.

Not everyone needs to be in a relationship, and that’s fine.