Teachers should be prepared for threats in school


Autumn Prescott

By Autumn Prescott, Student Life Editor

Due to recent school shootings and other dangerous episodes in schools across the nation, many people have come to ask the question of whether or not teachers should be able to carry guns on school grounds.

People are weighing the possible benefits of carrying guns — extra protection for those who spend the majority of their time in school buildings — and the possible negatives — having more guns available to the public.

Since incidents like Sandy Hook and the Parkland shooting, students across the country have been paranoid and worried about the reality of shooters coming into their schools.

While there are many questions to answer and obstacles to work through about firearms in classrooms, I think that teachers being trained and armed would be one of the safest options in regard to students’ well-being.

Teachers should be given the opportunity to be trained on how to safely carry guns in case of emergency.

They should have the ability to protect their students from outside threats. With proper training and comprehension on the power a gun holds, there is no reason as to why a teacher can’t have the option to be armed.

While teachers should not be forced to carry to keep a job, they should have the ability to do so if they are aware of the risks and are confident in their abilities.

There are many teachers who already have training and who are already comfortable being around firearms.

They understand gun safety and are aware of the effect a gun can have when in a public setting.

Teachers who hunt, or who have had past training with guns, should be permitted to carry.

They are aware of how to safely use a gun, and in case of emergency, they would be able to keep students safe and secure in ways they possibly couldn’t without the use of a firearm.

If my teachers were armed, I would feel much safer in case of a lockdown or any other situation that requires extra safety precautions.

Knowing that my teacher had the tools to keep me, my peers, and themselves safe would make me feel much more comfortable when coming to school.

If a dangerous person entered the school, the majority of people would be terrified. The situation could last for hours and could easily turn into a nearly unbearable experience.

If teachers had guns available to them if a situation like this occurred, it could ease some students’ fears.

Without guns or some form of similar protection, teachers and students are left helpless in the face of danger.

Not being able to protect yourself in case of threat is a terrible feeling and if teachers were armed, that feeling could be eliminated.

I am in no way saying that because someone is a teacher, they should have unlimited freedom when it comes to possessing and using guns.

Teachers should be subject to tests and background checks just like everyone else should be when attempting to purchase guns.

The purchase of guns should be made more strict. If teachers can pass this strict testing and are not deemed unable to handle a firearm,  I see no reason as to why they should not be able to use said gun to protect their surroundings in a hostile environment.

Guns are not something that should be taken lightly. They are weapons, and should be used for protection and safety.

The possible threat that hangs over schools every day is alarming, and something needs to be done about it.

If teachers can be trained and can learn to protect themselves, their coworkers, and their students, school may not be as stressful to those who have been affected by the recent school shootings.

As a student living in an age where school shootings are becoming more and more common, I would like teachers to become more experienced in the use of guns. It would ease some of the tension that appears every time a rumor, a loud noise, or a visitor appears in school.

If teachers had a stronger ability to protect themselves and their students with the use of a gun, that is just one more way to ensure everyone’s safety if an outside threat ever made it’s way into the school.

There is obviously something wrong with the safety of American schools. Something needs to change and the introduction of guns as protection in classrooms could save lives and keep students feeling secure.