Five students share their thoughts about Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is mainly celebrated by people who are in relationships.
The students at KHS view and celebrate Valentine’s Day differently.
Ashlee Countryman, senior

Do you see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday? Why?
“I don’t think Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday because it should be celebrated,” Countryman said. “Even if you don’t have a significant other, you have family. This day is a sign of love.”
Do you look forward to Valentine’s Day? Why?
“I don’t really look forward to it,” Countryman said. “This is another day to spend with your significant other.”
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
“I don’t have plans so far, but I would assume I’ll be with the ones I love the most.”
Jamarius Harris, sophomore

Do you see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday? Why?
“No, because its a day of love really, a day for people just to show and receive love and affection.”
Do you look forward to Valentine’s Day? Why?
“I look forward to it because it’s a day that everybody gets along and it makes a lot of people happy,” Harris said. “Also, I love it because of the candy, love, and gifts that everyone receives.”
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
“My plans are to take my mom out to eat and watch a movie with her,” Harris said. “I just want to make it a special day for her.”
Lauren Pariseau, junior

Do you see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday? Why?
“It depends because some people only see Valentine’s Day as a day to give their significant other gifts,” Pariseau Said. “However, others actually take the day to share their love with their special person.”
Do you look forward to Valentine’s Day? Why?
“I don’t really look forward to it because I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
“I don’t have plans for Valentine’s day specifically.”
Dylan Buschur, sophomore

Do you see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday? Why?
“Yes, because everyone buys things for one another.”
Do you look forward to Valentine’s Day? Why?
“Valentine’s Day doesn’t really mean anything to me,” Buschur said. “It’s just another day to me.”
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
“I’m going to hang with my friends.”
Tailer Makaravage, freshman
Do you see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday? Why?
“I do because nobody celebrates anything but relationships on Valentine’s Day,” Makaravage said. “Nothing historical really happened.”

Do you look forward to Valentine’s Day? Why?
“I don’t really look forward to Valentine’s Day,” Makaravage said. “But I don’t dread it either.”
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
“I plan on spending the day by going to dinner with my boyfriend.”
Even though people have differing opinions about Valentine’s Day, it is still a day to show love and appreciation to those who mean the most to us.

Birthday: Aug. 30, 2001
Hobbies/Interest: I enjoy bowling, reading, hanging out with friends, and watching Netflix.
Favorite Quote: "Being...