Wash your hands to help avoid getting sick
IMAGE / Courtesy of pixabay
The cold winter weather is dangerous for your health.
Low temperatures weaken your immune system. Combine that with a lack of Vitamin D from the low levels of sunlight, and it’s easy to see how much of an issue this could become.
To avoid illness and stay healthy, follow these pieces of advice given by DailyMail.co.uk.
First thing you should always do is wash your hands as many times a day as possible. If your hands are clean, you are less likely to be carrying bacteria and viruses around with you and won’t infect yourself and others along the way.
Also, keeping your hands away from dirty surfaces and your face increases your chances of staying well this winter.
Doing things like drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods will keep your immune system healthy and strong enough to fight off those viruses that make you feel so terrible.
Another beneficial thing to do is stay warm and dry. This makes it so that your body is using its energy to keep you well, not keep you warm. Your body can only do so much, putting on an extra layer this winter could be the difference between sickness and health.
Getting a flu shot annually can help keep you safe from the flu. One of the most common winter illnesses is the influenza virus, so if you get a shot that will reduce your risk of getting it.
Getting plenty of sleep will also help keep you healthy.
Staying active is always a good idea any time of the year for total body wellness, but in the winter it is crucial to keep your body used to activity and not going into hibernation mode.
Junior Marysa Gatica said that she has so far avoided getting sick this winter.
“I’ve done things like always washing my hands, and I avoid touching germy things like door handles and trash cans,” Gatica said.
She also said that she washes her hands “every time after using the restroom and before cooking or eating food.”
This step alone has helped her stay well this winter.
Mrs. Amy Graham, health teacher, said that “loading up on vitamin C and washing your hands frequently” are the best ways to avoid sickness this time of year.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College