Lindsay Nofs’ busy lifestyle keeps her focused on success


IMAGE / Kayla Smith

Junior Lindsay Nofs poses with her tennis racquet.

Lindsay Nofs  is an extremely busy person.

She is involved in drama, robotics, the National Honor Society, band, and tennis.

I struggled to find a time where Nofs was available to interview, and I finally got time with her when she was at practice for the school play, “Drop Dead, Juliet!”

At the time of our interview, Nofs was anxious about performing in the play.

“I’m very nervous, very scared,” Nofs said. “I’ve never had a lead (role).”

Nofs didn’t audition for the lead role as Juliet, but her acting skills made the directors choose her for the role.

“I never wanted the lead role,” Nofs said. “But it’s great to have the lead role. I like it.”

This was Nofs’ first high school play, and she was both excited and nervous.

On Nov. 22, Nofs performed her role as Juliet for the first time in front of an audience. She nailed the performance and was even more excited for the matinee two days later.

Since the play went so well, Nofs is looking forward to the tennis season.

“I love tennis season,” Nofs said. “I’m so excited because all of us (on the team) are really close.”

During practice, Nofs always tries her best to improve her skills and help others.

Junior Lindsay Nofs playing the saxophone.
Kayla Smith
Junior Lindsay Nofs plays the saxophone.

Nofs, along with the rest of the tennis team, started winter workouts in early December. She works on basic skills such as forward swing, backhand swing, and serving.

Nofs said that she asks others for advice, but she ends up doing her own thing.

“I end up taking my own advice, just thinking of what I can do to fix it,” Nofs said.

Determined to be the best that she can be, Nofs wants people to have the right idea of her and not think that she is something that she is not.

“If people hear rumors and they believe them, they’ll tell more people and it just goes down from there,” Nofs said,

I do try to make a good impression. But I don’t want people to get a false impression, just my best self.

— Lindsay Nofs, junior

Nofs wants to make the right impression with everyone that she meets.

“I do try to make a good impression,” Nofs said. “But I don’t want people to get a false impression, just my best self.”

Nofs seems to be doing a good job of this since she has countless friends surrounding her. Throughout the interviewing process, Nofs and I were often stopped by passersby greeting her.

Gabe Carnes, Nofs’ boyfriend, said, “My favorite thing (about her) is how energetic and excited she always is.”

The comments don’t stop there, however.

Nofs’ close friend Kelsie Rose said, “My favorite thing about Lindsay is playing tennis with her and just hanging out together.”

Nofs appreciates having people in her life whom she has known for a long time.

“It is also nice to have friends who you can talk with about the deeper stuff,” Nofs said.

Lindsay is a great person who is always happy.

— Mrs. Brandi Schmidt, science teacher

She has also made a good impression on her teachers, especially her science teacher, Mrs. Brandi Schmidt.

“Lindsay is a great person who is always happy,” Schmidt said. “Yes, she is a very good student.”

Schmidt also described Nofs as “smart, chatty, and fun.”

Nofs is always striving to do her best and project her best self onto others.

She works hard and has accomplished much in her life.

In addition to the extracurricular activities she participates in, Nofs takes A.P. and honors classes.

Nofs has high goals for the future, with possible career options, such as a geriatrician or psychologist.

With the personality she has and friends and family to support her, she should have no problem achieving her goals in life.