Good bathing suits top the 10 things all girls need for spring break

With spring break 2016 fast approaching, it is time for girls to start getting ready for their vacations.

There are 10 must-bring items for any tropical vacation.

Bathing suit

When packing, it is important to bring at least two bathing suits.

No one wants to put on a cold, wet bathing suit the next day if it is not dry. It is also important to bring bathing suits that will be comfortable and that will not leave horrendous tan lines. If you are all about the straps, though, go for the craziest bathing suit you can find.

Beach bag

When going to the beach, there are always a ton of things that a girl needs to bring.

Having a convenient tote or bag is right on the top of the list. Bringing a bag with a zipper is great to avoid getting sand in all of your personal items.

Beach cover-up

Getting out of the water is not always the best feeling. The cool breeze can lead to a lot of goosebumps and an unpleasant wait for your body to get warm again.

Putting on a beach cover-up is not only easier than changing out of wet clothes, it is also cute and affordable.

Sunscreen or tanning oil

Whether you are looking to protect your porcelain skin, or wanting to come back from break looking like a bronze goddess, sunscreen and tanning oil should be packed.

Sunscreen should always be applied before going outside, and tanning oil should only be used if you are aware of the side effects that could follow. Such as a bad sunburn.

A sunburn can easily spoil a vacation and make it uncomfortable to wear certain articles of clothing.


Protecting your eyes from bright UV rays is always important.

Not only can sunglasses help you see better outside, they are also the perfect accessory to all outfits.

Floppy hat or baseball cap

Bringing a floppy hat or baseball cap is a perfect addition to any packing list.

A floppy hat is able to protect the face and block out sun with any dressy outfit. A baseball cap is a great way to finish any casual outfit for the beach.

Clothes for any occasion

When packing, it is always best to bring clothes for any occasion. Whether it is an upscale dinner or a day by the pool, it is better to pack more than what you need than not enough.

It is also important to check the weather of your dream destination. Be prepared for weather that might be rainy and dismal or hot and muggy.

Comfortable shoes

If you plan to spend all of your vacation at the beach, it is an automatic assumption to just pack flip flops. But there might be a need to change shoes every once in a while.

Packing a pair of tennis shoes is smart if you plan to do a lot of walking. This keeps your feet supported and they will not be sore for the rest of the night.

Water bottle

Hydration is always key.

When the weather gets warm, you lose more water than your body stores by sweating, and the sun easily dehydrates the body.

It is best to always have a water bottle ready to fill if you plan on going somewhere hot. Drinking water also flushes the body of toxins and waste, so you are always feeling good and ready to go.

Phone/camera chargers

When going on the perfect vacation, you will want to remember the memories you make forever.

Spending money on a charger because you forgot one can be a total bummer. It is best to pack your own chargers for phones and cameras so with the touch of a button you can capture a memory and not have to worry about your device dying.

With these 10 helpful hints, it is time to get to packin’.