NHS closes to seniors, opens to juniors
IMAGE / Mrs. Colleen Grathoff
The outgoing National Honor Society officers Dylan Brewer (left), Miranda Blaine, Kayla Knight, and Teagan MacDonald were given medals on May 21 at the NHS banquet at Little Caesar’s.
On May 21, the seniors officially ended their reign in the National Honor Society at the end of the year banquet.
The officers received their medals and everyone who attended enjoyed food and good conversation.
Even though the torch of leadership was handed down to the newly elected officers on May 6, the seniors still had control.
The NHS officers for 2015-16 include the following: Hannah Ploof, president; Hannah Coon, vice president; Kayla Smith, historian; Taylor Stockton, treasurer; and Linsday Nofs, secretary.
The new vice president, Coon, said, “I am excited to have more responsibility along with Student Council and to have something else to do.”
An officers meeting for both senior and junior officers was held on May 20. the purpose of this meeting was to assist the newly elected officers with their new roles in NHS.
They covered topics like how to take notes at meetings, how to send out the Google Voice messages, and how to keep track of dues.
The next NHS meeting is June 3 at 6:45 a.m. for the juniors.

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
Future Plans:...