Friendships are so important, especially those that have lasted since elementary school. You have seen each other grow up. In elementary school, you played together at recess, then moved up to middle school and went through the awkward phase of childhood together that you wish you could forget. Then, you moved up to high school together and are now preparing to take on the real world. Through all these changes, you stuck by each other’s side through the good and the bad. These high school friendships are a great example of sticking together through and through.

Seniors Natalie Devine and Kylee Kopek have been friends for 13 years. They met in their kindergarten classroom, where they kept making eye contact with each other. Then, eventually, Devine got the courage to come and talk to Kopek. Over the years, they have many fantastic memories together. Kopek explains, “one of my favorite memories was when we had an all nighter with our youth group and we went to the athletic club where they had many things to do, but all me and Natalie did was swim for hours upon hours until finally, someone had to tell us to get out or we would miss our bus back home.” When asked what they do when they’re together, Devine replied, “I love having long conversations about life, school, and family. It’s always nice to get things off your chest without having to worry about judging.” Devine and Kopek have had so many great years together, and as the years go on, they plan to continue making even more memories.

Seniors Trent Zemore, Luke Dawson, and Jacob Hager have all been friends for 13 years. Since the first day of kindergarten, they have been inseparable. They all rode the same bus, and Dawson and Zemore ended up having the same recess. They can all agree that their favorite memory is Homecoming. Zemore reflects, “We all went to our friend Lucas’s house and had a great time. Even with that being said, we always have fun together no matter what.” Dawson commented, “Our favorite thing to do when hanging out is probably playing Xbox against each other.” Hager added, “We like to watch war movies and be nerds.” These 3 students will surely stick together; even after high school, they will remain friends and continue reminiscing every moment they have together.

Sophomores Haley Hanes and Ryan Jacot have been friends for 8 years. Yet, even though they are underclassmen, they plan to continue their friendship just like the seniors. Though they can’t remember the specifics of how they met, they know that they began their friendship during their 2nd grade class at school. When together they enjoy watching TikTok. Hanes also explains that she enjoys when they are able to just “talk about everything.” It is important in a friendship to always feel comfortable talking to each other about absolutely anything in the world.
As the years pass, it is important to always hold on to those great friendships. Life will bring many changes, but it is refreshing to know that you at least have that one person or a couple of people who will stick by your side. These Kearsley High School students are proof that your closest friendships can last 7 years, 10 years, or even 13 years. Always be grateful for your friendships and take the time to appreciate everything you’ve been through, for sooner than you know, the days of walking with your friends in the hallway, eating lunch together, and working together in class will come to an end and you will both be accepting that diploma you both have worked so hard for and finally moving on to the real world.