When I first met Mrs. Curtis I was drawn to her bubbly personality. Her blond hair falls a little over shoulder length, but it is usually tied up out of her face. She immediately had a huge smile on her face and started a conversation with me. She is a very easy person to talk to at any time. Mrs. Curtis is truly a person that you can rely on when you need anything. She will do anything in her power to help every student no matter who they are.
Over the time I have known her I have learned a lot about Curtis, she is very passionate about her job and she always wants to be involved to help in any way that she can. She is involved in many different organizations throughout the school including her job that allows her to build great relationships with many students. She also coaches softball and you will always see her running around to her kids sporting events to support them. She is a very big family person, she loves her son and daughter very much. She has a husband of almost 16 years, and is very close to her extended family.
A day in the life of Mrs. Curtis is very busy. She wakes up to be at work at 7 am, she then does paperwork, she runs lunch and study that gives kids a peaceful place to work, she then goes to lunch, and works with kids. After school you may see her at her kids sporting events or at Church. She loves to spend her free time reading, spending time with her kids, going to church, and relaxing because she has very chaotic weeks.
“I get up and get ready, I encourage my kids to get ready, I arrive at work at 7 am, I spend my morning catching up on paperwork and meeting with kids. I spend the middle of my day running the lunch and study program. Giving kids a place to work on classwork, tests, and quizzes. After my day flies by, I take my lunch and meet with more kids.” said Curtis.
“After work, I am usually taking my kids to their sports and going to church where I am the freshman girls leader for our youth group,” she added.
Ms. Curtis works with a lot of different people all day long so her personality is a huge aspect of her everyday life.
“I am known for being bubbly, sometimes too much. I am a very positive person, I always try to give grace when grace is needed and I look at the bigger picture to try to understand how people may feel in a situation. I try my best to uplift them with my personality.”
In life everyone experiences difficult situations and everyone has to figure out how to use perseverance in their future. Ms. Curtis uses her to help others overcome their difficulties and help shape them to be better individuals.
“My childhood and young adulthood was very challenging, my parents got a divorce and I had a younger sister and an older sister. We went through a lot with our parents and I made the decision really young to make changes and do things differently so my kids wouldn’t have to go through the hurts that I did. It is also why I am in the career that I am in because I know that kids do not have the greatest situations at home sometimes, so I know what I did not get at that age, so I always try to offer that to my own kids and the ones at school.”
Ms. Curtis is a safe place for a lot of students to go to because she tries her best to make her room open to anyone in need. She is very inspirational and uplifting to a lot of people.

Ms. Curtis spends her days uplifting kids to help them understand that others’ opinions do not dictate your life and that you need to take control of your own life. She also says that you need to not overreact and do not let the negativity overpower everything else.
Overall, Ms. Curtis is an amazing person to have in your life and if you have not met her you should because she will impact you for the rest of your life. She handles situations with confidence and positivity. She has impacted many students already and will keep impacting them during her time at Kearsley and will continue impacting them when she finishes her college classes to become a Science teacher. Everyone needs an Amanda Curtis in their life.