Everyone has their favorite Christmas song, whether the artist is Mariah Carey or Bing Crosby. Both artists can get you excited for the holiday season. Christmas music doesn’t just excite you but can make you feel a sense of coziness and comfort. What are some students at KHS listening to this Holiday season?
Senior Tatem Thomason states that they prefer more old Christmas songs than new ones. When asked about their favorite Christmas song, they replied, “I find Last Christmas a fun song to sing, and it’s always been one of my favorite Christmas songs.” Thomason also implied that they listen to it a lot during the year, especially during the week of Christmas. Thomason’s favorite line from the song is, “Me, I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A face-on lover with a fire in his heart, a man undercover, but you tore me apart.” Sophomore Eden Fleming also prefers older Christmas music, and their favorite Christmas song is also “Last Christmas.” Fleming explains, “This song is my favorite because it puts me in the Christmas spirit.” Everyone can agree that this song is definitely a classic!
Senior Kallie McCallum reports she couldn’t pick between old and new Christmas music because she “likes the classics,” but some days, she wants more of an “upbeat pop Christmas.” McCallum doesn’t really have a favorite Christmas song, but if she had to choose it would be, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, because of the fact it is an older song, but is still upbeat and fast-paced. When asked how often she listened to it, McCallum replied, “I don’t really listen to the song much unless it’s at a Christmas party because I don’t listen to music on my own much.” Her favorite lyrics of this song are, “You better watch out, better not cry,” because when she was a kid, she thought it was a funny line. You definitely won’t make it through the Christmas season without hearing that song at least once!
Junior Kira Mclure prefers older music as well. Mclure reports that her favorite song is, Rocking Around The Christmas Tree. She replies, “something about it gives me so much nostalgia, and I love hearing it in those old Christmas movies.” Mclure explains that she listens to it every week in December. Her favorite lyrics are, “You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing Let’s be jolly” because of the melody change and the meaning of everyone coming together to spread cheer during the holidays.” Of course, that is a huge part of Christmas.
Like any song, Christmas music can evoke emotions such as comfort, peace, and feelings of love. Christmas songs can also have different vibes. Some might be slower and sentimental, while others could be more upbeat and bright. Either way, everyone has a Christmas song they love listening to yearly! And yes, the music, the traditions, and the gifts are very important for Christmas. But never forget that the true meaning of Christmas is being surrounded by the people you love the most!