Debate Club joins KHS

Debate comes to KHS

This year, Kearsley is re-introducing a club this school year.

Salem Poindexter is the president of the Debate Club and was the one to introduce it back to Kearsley High School after a few years of hiatus with the help of Ms. Riley, the supervisor of this club.

While starting a club can take a lot of patience, Poindexter set their heart on making this club come to life.

Poindexter explains one of the many reasons they started up this club was to get other perspectives from topics that people already know and talk about.

“I really like to hear other opinions on the things that many people care about. I like hearing other perspectives,” Poindexter beams.

Although debate club originally started off slow, Poindexter did invite some students to join the club and word got around fast.

Senior Zaeda Swinger mentions how her friends affected her decision regarding joining the debate club.

“My friends actually influenced me to join the club. They thought I could make a great debater,” Swinger reported.

Some other students had just heard of the club and wanted to join for similar reasons to Salem.

Senior Maxx Baker also wanted to join because they wanted a space to share opinions freely.

“I think it would be nice to hear peoples opinions without them getting personally attacked for having them,” Baker remarked.

Some people simply joined because they just like the subject of debate.

Sophomore Jaeda Ray has planned to join this club because she really loves debating others just for the fun of it.

“I don’t really have a specific reason why, but I just love debating people,” Ray smirked.

Students here at KHS have high hopes for the Debate Club to thrive here and eagerly wait to hear more from this club.