Seniors bring home gold in the 2021 powder puff game

IMAGE / Molly Gunn

The seniors and juniors facing off in the final game of powderpuff during the pep assembly on Wednesday, Sept. 29.

Powder puff fired up again this year for Kearsley’s homecoming week, filling students with competition and school spirit.

The freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior girls faced off against each other in intense games of flag football to see who would reign champion this year.

Last year, powderpuff was cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Students were thrilled to hear that powder puff would commence this year, despite the continuing struggle with the pandemic.

The first games took place on Monday, Sept. 27, with the freshmen facing off against the juniors and the sophomores facing off against the seniors.

Seniors Tyler Csintyan and Mario Wells cheer on their senior class during Wednesday’s pep assembly. (IMAGE / Johnathen Hart)

The juniors and seniors crushed their opponents and moved on to the final game.

Senior Payton McKerchie had high hopes for the senior class and foresaw a big win for them.

“We have the determination and perseverance against the juniors,” said McKerchie. “We are seniors and it is our time to win.”

The final game took place on Wednesday, Sept. 29, during school hours.

The seniors and the juniors both fought a hard battle, managing to block one another from scoring on each other the entire game.

The game went into overtime, where a coin was flipped to see who got the chance to score on the other from the five yard line.

The seniors won the coin toss, but chose for the juniors to attempt to score on them.

The juniors tried their best to score on the seniors, but the seniors successfully stopped them from running their play.

In the end, the seniors took home victory once again.