Boys soccer mercied by Brandon.
IMAGE / Molly Gunn
Boys soccer mercied by Brandon on Wednesday, September 8.
On Wednesday, September 8, the Hornets took on the Blackhawks on the field in a tough battle.
The Hornets struggled in the first half, letting six goals fly past them.
In the second half, the Hornets picked up their game and sophomore Caden Saxton scored a goal on the Blackhawks.
The Hornets were not able to hold back the Blackhawks, letting three goals slip by.
The game ended through mercy rule and the Blackhawks rose victorious, in a 9-1 game.
The Hornets face off against the Dragons on their home turf on Monday, September 13.

Class: Junior
Hobbies: Volleyball, tennis, sailing, and cooking.
Future Plans: I would love to go to college to study culinary, law, or mathematics....