CDC releases guidelines for reopening schools

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The CDC released new guidelines for reopening schools that involve social-distancing May 19.

Many people have wondered how schools are going to be run for the 2020-2021 school year. Is there going to be face-to-face teaching or is it going to be completely online?

The CDC released guidelines for reopening schools May 19.

Per some of the guidelines schools need to disinfect frequently used surfaces, have students and staff wear masks, separate belongings into labeled containers, not let students share learning devices, have desks six feet apart, only sit one person per seat on the buses, and no switching groups or teachers.

Kearsley administration, teachers, curriculum coordinators, technology staff, maintenance, and custodial supervisors have been working together to create a plan for the upcoming school year.

Superintendent Mr. Kevin Walworth has designated three task forces to work on opening up school in the fall.

“Currently we have three task force teams that are digging into different aspects of opening the schools in the fall,” Walworth said. “One Task Force has a focus on the 1:1 initiative and the hardware needs that will accompany all students being issued computers. A second Task Force is looking at the curriculum delivery side. The last Task Force is focused on cleaning, transportation, and food service.”

Currently, there are three teaching models that the school has taken into consideration. School may be hosted in-person, a blend between online and in-person, and then completely online.

“Based on the CDC guidelines at this time, we will have a lot of restrictions on how we can run a school,” Walworth said.

The CDC guidelines seem outrageous to some students.

Junior Megan Timm doesn’t understand how these will be implemented and enforced.

“I think some of them are very unrealistic,” Timm said. “With class sizes being in the thirties there is really no way to distance the students. In regards to students being with the same teacher all day that sort of defeats the purpose of being able to choose your classes and also not all teachers are certified to teach the required material. There is really no good way to monitor these guidelines.”