Raydoffa Braziel, arts entertainment editor

Raydoffa Braziel, Arts & Entertainment Editor

It is crazy to think that this was how our last year together ended.

After four years of trials and tribulations we were hit with the pandemic.

I’m grateful for everyone who has helped me through these four years and who I have made memories with.

I am thankful for the school for giving me an opportunity to run at a Division 1 college, with the great coaching staff and meets that were coordinated.

I am grateful for my teachers who have given me many tools to be prepared for the next level of schooling, and preparing me for life.

I am grateful for my best friends, for being there for me whenever I was down, and when I was up.

For always being my backbone through all of my stressful times.

To my counselor, thank you for always being there to answer all of my questions about college and pushing me in the right direction.

I would like to thank the Class of 2020 for voting me as class treasurer and depending on me to do my job correctly.

Also, for being tough through the hard times with us losing a lot of important people to us. We still stand together as a family.

Congrats to the Class of 2020! We are going to go far!

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