IMAGE / Maureen Callahan

Connor Earegood, editor in chief

Connor Earegood, Editor in Chief

Well, we’ve arrived at the end of our journey together.

Four years ago, I sat down in Mr. Darrick Puffer’s classroom as a wide-eyed freshman who couldn’t write more than 200 words without falling into a repetitious ramble.

Four years later, not only has my writing grown leaps and bounds, but I’ve also developed as a person.

While this isn’t how I planned to end my senior year, I can’t wait to seize my future at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

I will also continue my passion for student press with The Michigan Daily.

Last year, Puffer told me he felt comfortable retiring because I could keep The Eclipse’s traditions alive. This sentiment has come full circle as I leave the thing I love most to a new generation of leadership.

To Mrs. VanOverbeke, Mackenzie Atkinson, Molly Gunn, and Jon Hart, thank you for putting in the work this year to keep our site alive.

Leaving is never easy but when three talented students and a great adviser remain in place, I feel comfortable with moving on.

Kudos go especially to Jon. Through thick and thin you’ve continuously stepped up and put in work. You have the unbridled idealism that every good leader needs and I can’t wait to see what you can do when your fourth and senior year arrives.

Thank you to Managing Editor Elizabeth Taylor for always making sure we published to our best abilities. Your attention to detail and work ethic will take you as far as you can dream, and I’m proud to call you a fellow Eclipse veteran.

To Mr. Rob Markwardt, Mr. Chris Torok, Ms. Mary Riley, Mr. Kelly Christian, Mr. Andy Nester, Mr. Paul Adas, and Mr. Mike Whalen, thank you for making class fun and informative every day. School days can be long and tiresome, but you truly made it a joy to come to KHS every day.

To Mr. Chris Schmidt, thank you for exposing me to the quiz bowl world. You pushed our team to improve every year and it paid off greatly this season when we posted a 31-1 record and won both leagues. You’re truly a great person and an even better coach.

To Mrs. April Yorks and Mrs. Cindy Sierra, thank you for rekindling my love of Future Problem Solving. I owe my successes in the program to your work in coaching me throughout the years.

To my friends and fellow seniors Jared Haack, Tristan Sharma, Cameron Gohs, Laura Kendrick, Vincent Zamora, Ethan McArthur, Maddie Alpin, Amari Douglas, Jolie Timm, and Jenna Roush, thank you for making high school tolerable. I can be an annoying and tedious character but you looked past that and made it memorable for me.

To my Hybrid Hornets robotics family — especially Mr. Dylan McIntire, Mr. Richard Herta, Quaid McArthur, and Jake Callahan — thank you for spending hours with me as we put together our bot. Tensions rose and tempers flared, but we stuck it out and we went hard all season.

This thank-you letter would be incomplete without giving a shout-out to Miss Stephanie Lane, Miss Autumn Prescott, and Miss Jenna Robinson. You three were amazing role models and have always been there for me. You’re truly wonderful human beings.

And to end things where they started, thank you, Mr. Puffer, for mentoring me. When some of my teachers let me coast early on in high school, you pushed me to give my all every day. Your impact on my future is immeasurable and words cannot express my gratitude.

While I will miss the exhilarating rush of the newsroom, I will always remember the lessons The Eclipse taught me over four beautiful years.

Thanks for the memories K-Town. Never change.

Much love,

Connor Earegood

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