Trent Tuttle plans to become a pastor, spread the word of God
IMAGE / Miranda Blaine
Senior Trent Tuttle enjoys reading his Bible in his spare time. Tuttle hopes to become a pastor.
On March 12, I received a Facebook notification that read “Trent Tuttle mentioned you in a post.” I felt that it was quite odd, seeing how Tuttle and I are distant acquaintances.
The post went like this, “When is the Kearsley Eclipse going to do a personal profile on me? I think I’m interesting. Here are some of my traits/qualities/accomplishments:
-Once ate entire box of waffles in one day (24 waffles)
-tennis extraordinaire
-DECA enthusiast
-most likely to not get voted for a ‘most likely’ achievement
-young musician (prodigy)
-photographic expert”
Senior Trent Tuttle is mostly known for his humor (as someone can see from the Facebook post). However, he can also be outgoing, passionate, empathetic, and down-to-earth.
“I would like to be seen as less goofy, but that’s just how I am,” Tuttle said.
Senior Josh Arnes sees Tuttle as more than funny. “He is hard-working, kind, trustworthy, and faithful,” Arnes said.
Tuttle has accepted people’s opinions on him, and he has also accepted that he is a busy person.

Senior Trent Tuttle is active in the marketing program. He is currently a manager of the Hornet’s Nest and has been in DECA for four years
He is involved in DECA, tennis, and A Capella choir.
He has been in DECA for four years and is currently the co-president of the chapter. He played No. 1 doubles on the tennis team this year, and has been a part of A Capella for four years.
Outside of school, Tuttle is active in his church.
He is the president of his youth group and volunteers at the Flint Eastside Mission often. He also leads worship in the band, and is a Nazarene Missions International delegate.
What many people might not know about Tuttle is how he grew up and where he wants to go in life.
“I grew up until fourth grade moving a lot,” Tuttle said. “I lived in 12 different houses because my parents were constantly looking for a better house.”
Tuttle does not care about the salary his future career will bring him. He wants a career that will give his life the most fulfillment.
Right now, he sees that career as a senior pastor of a Nazarene church.
Tuttle plans to attend Mount Vernon Nazarene College in the fall, studying pastoral ministries and business technologies and administration. After he gets his four-year degree in pastoral ministries, he plans to attend seminary school and do various internships at churches.
“After being a senior pastor for a long time, I would like to become a superintendent of a district,” Tuttle said. “He oversees all the churches in the district, which I want to ultimately become.”
Over the summer, Tuttle participated in a mission trip in Honduras and developed a passion for them.

Senior Trent Tuttle has been on the varsity tennis team for four years. He is starting the Playing for a Purpose program, which will be offered to students next school year.
“I would like to go somewhere where (people) really need me,” Tuttle said. “It would be nice to set up my own church in a third-world country.”
Tuttle believes the reason why he wants to share his faith with everyone is because of a funeral he attended.
“A friend of mine died, and she was an atheist along with her whole family. I felt really bad that I did not talk to her or her family about God at all,” Tuttle said. “I realized that I should have, and then I came to the revelation that I need to talk to everyone about Him by becoming a pastor.”
Tuttle is reaching out to other Christians by implementing a Playing With a Purpose Club at the school. The club will be a Bible study geared toward Christian athletes; however, it will not be available until next school year for students to join.
Senior Josh Loudermilk has known Tuttle since the second grade and attends church with him.
“He will be a great pastor,” Loudermilk said. “His love for others and will to serve God will complement each other well.”

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
Future Plans:...