Wrestling falls at team district tournament
IMAGE / Mackenzie Atkinson
Senior La’Ron Ruffin attempts to pin his Goodrich opponent during an MHSAA Division 3 team district tournament Wednesday, Feb. 12.
The wrestling team hosted an MHSAA Division 3 district tournament at the Hive Wednesday, Feb. 12, against the Flint Jaguars and the Goodrich Martians.
Junior Elija Garza won his first match by pin in the first period and then lost the second match 13-1. He had three nearfall points, two takedowns, and one escape.
Seniors John Brown and Amari Douglas wrestled in the 171-pound weight class.
Douglas wrestled against Flint and won by pin in the first period and had one takedown.
Brown wrestled against Goodrich and lost 12-7. He had two reversals and three escapes.
Senior Brandon Fisher won his first match by void and lost his second match 4-0.
Freshman Dominik DiGenova won both of his matches, the first by void and the second by pin in the first period.
Freshman Jacob Mosher won his only match by a Goodrich void.
Sophomore Kaleb Gettings won his matches by void and by pin. He had three nearfall points, one takedown, and one reversal.
Senior La’Ron Ruffin won by void and by pin in the first period. He had one takedown and three nearfall points.
Freshman Keegan Doyle won by void against Flint and then lost by pin in the second period against Goodrich.
Junior Brandon Garvin won by void and lost by a first-period pin.
Sophomore Cole Crowder and junior Rodney Richards wrestled in the 145-weight class.
Crowder won by void against Flint and Richards lost 11-15 against Goodrich with five takedowns and one escape.
Senior Trenton DiGenova won by void and then 15-5. He had three nearfall points, three takedowns, and three reversals.
The team will travel to Fenton to compete in an MHSAA Division 3 individual district tournament Saturday, Feb. 15.

Class: Senior
Hobbies: Taking pictures of landscapes and sports
Future Plans: I plan to move to the Carolinas and go to college for journalism.