Valedictorian frames get a facelift
IMAGE / Sydney Horne
Mrs. Sally Brandt compares a new valedictorian frame (left) with an old valedictorian picture frame (right). The frames will remain in front of the main office.
In front of the main office, displays list students’ achievements. Many students notice the art showcase, student of the month display, and perfect attendance board but the picture frames showing KHS’ valedictorians are receiving a makeover.
Mrs. Sally Brandt, media center clerk, said the process of redecorating the frames is time consuming.
Because 13 of the pictures suffered mold damage over the years, Brandt must replace them with reprints from the Echo yearbook. Finding the photos can be difficult.
“I have to go through old yearbooks to find the photos, copy them, cut them out and place them on the mat board so they can be hung up,” Brandt said.
Frames will also be replaced to make the displays more uniform.
Mr. Brian Wiskur, principal, loves the new frames as they will provide more room for future generations of valedictorians.
Last year’s valedictorian picture didn’t fit in the existing frames.
“The frames needed to be moved down to make more room for later years and they needed to be updated,” Wiskur said. “They will be placed in the original area soon.”
Wiskur said that the frames were also updated to improve the look of the front entrance after last year’s renovation.
“I just thought it was time for an improvement since we changed the look of the main entrance,” Wiskur said.

Class: Senior
Hobbies: Crocheting, knitting, bowling, and drawing.
Future Plans: I plan on going to the Michigan Career and Technical Institute...
Sally Brandt • Dec 3, 2019 at 11:50 pm
Great job Sydney, and a special thanks for all your help finding all the old yearbooks.