Leah Williams rides to a bright future

Leah Williams, senior, shows off her riding skills with her horse Jay-D.
Senior Leah Williams, 18, is an energetic brunette with gleaming blue eyes, a love for animals, a bright smile, and an even brighter future.
During the interview, Williams smiled when speaking about her friends and her Appaloosa Quarter horse, Steve.
She may seem shy to some at first but describes herself as extroverted.
“I think I’m outgoing,” Williams said. “I’m up to do anything, I’m not picky.”
Williams lives with her parents Mrs. Michelle Williams and Mr. Mark Williams.
She also has an older brother named Nathan Williams.
While some people don’t consider pets to be family, Williams loves all of her pets in this way.
Williams also has two Yorkshire Terrier dogs named Lady and Katie, aside from her horse Steve.
Williams started riding horses as a young girl, and she started showing horses a few years ago.
“I’ve been riding horses ever since I could remember,” Williams said. “I always grew up doing it, although I’ve only been showing horses for about four years.”
Williams gleamed when she spoke about how she began showing horses.
“I grew up watching horse shows,” Williams said. “It never ran through my family. I’m the only one who really liked them. It’s kind of a natural thing.”

Senior Leah Williams stands with her horse Steve to take a picture before heading to a school dance.
Williams has won many trophies with Steve, including first place in all classes.
“Every year at the end of horse shows, we have an achievement day, which is kind of like states where we get revolving trophies,” Williams said. “Steve and I won first place in every class. We also get a big ribbon to hang on to because we have to give the trophies back so we can just keep the ribbons with us.”
While not riding, competing in horse shows, or taking care of Steve, Williams bowls on the junior varsity girls bowling team, which she has been on since her sophomore year.
“I used to go bowling (for) fun,” Williams said. “I heard our school had a bowling team, and I thought it would be fun to compete and just be good at it.”
Williams also goes hunting with her father every year, though she admitted she hasn’t had success in it.
“I’ve never personally gotten anything yet,” Williams said. “I hunt deer, go fishing, and I’ve been trying to hunt raccoons lately but can’t find any as of yet.”
Aside from hunting, bowling, and other leisure activities, Williams makes memories with her close friends, including her best friend, senior Tiffany Wheat.
“Tiffany Wheat has always been there for me ever since eighth grade,” Williams said. “We hang out a lot and just go places, mostly Panda Express, though.”
Williams and Wheat met in a class they shared.
“I met Leah in the eighth grade in our Spanish I class, and, at first, we didn’t like each other because we wanted to sit by other people,” Wheat said. “Eventually, we started talking and have been best friends ever since.
“Leah is very hard working when it comes to things she’s passionate about. She’s very open-minded to new people and opportunities. She loves unconditionally. She is one of the kindest people I know.”

Leah Williams poses for senior photos while enjoying nature.
As Williams’ senior year comes to a close, she plans to attend Mott Community College to study veterinary medicine.
“I want to go to Mott,” Williams said. “It’s close to home and they also have a vet program. Plus it’s a lot cheaper.”
While Williams prepares for college, she feels Ms. Diane Hunt, psychology teacher, is a big help in keeping her motivated.
“She’s so inspiring and straight-forward with everything,” Williams said. “She’s a very good person, and she has a lot of good advice.”
Hunt said Williams has the potential to become successful.
“Leah is a highly intelligent young woman who knows her worth,” Hunt said. “I have no doubt she will be highly successful and have a happy life.”

Birthday: January 3, 2001
Hobbies/Interests: Photography, writing poems, makeup, cheer, drawing, painting, and interior designing.
Favorite Quote: "I...