Kennedy’s assassination occurred 55 years ago
IMAGE / Mr. Scott Robinson / flickr
Presdient John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on Nov. 22, 1963.
On Nov. 22, 1963, one of America’s most beloved presidents was assassinated in Dallas by former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald.
John F. Kennedy, known as “JFK,” was killed 55 years ago.
When Kennedy was assassinated he was driving through Dealey Plaza with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Conally, and Conally’s wife Nellie.
Kennedy’s presidency left a lasting impact on the United States and citizens.
Zackery Tuttle, sophomore, said, “The death of JFK was important because he was the president, and he was well liked by many citizens.”
Kennedy’s death caused many people to be brought together in a common theme of shock and sorrow. His death didn’t only affect Americans, it affected people all around the world.
Mrs. Melissa Weeks, U.S. history teacher, said, “I think it (the assassination) led to stalling civil rights movements.”
Kennedy was in the White House for under three years before the tragedy occurred.
His first year was a disaster, something he personally admitted. Many failed efforts occurred, including the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion.
Yet there were several things that were good that Kennedy did. The most important was his management of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, considered to be the most important moment since World War II.
He avoided nuclear war with the Soviet Union and kept a level of peace in the world.
He was the youngest man who had been president, ironically succeeding the oldest president at the time.
Kennedy changed politics even after his death.
When he was killed, Kennedy and his administration had been working on various policies. The tax cuts he proposed in February of that year and the civil rights bill he had endorsed had been delayed in Congress.
Even though Kennedy has been dead for 55 years, he still has an impact on America and his legacy continues to influence generations.
The featured image in this story is from flickr.

Birthday: July 4, 2004
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, listening to music, writing, softball, soccer, watching AHS, choir, theater, and history.