Boudreau creates new rules

IMAGE / Charity Nolff

School uniforms are one of the new rules that will be in place for the 2018-19 school year.

Surprises are in store for next year’s students.

Mr. Brian Wiskur, principal, chose Mr. Brian Boudreau, dean of students, to be in charge of promoting new rules at Kearsley High School.

Boudreau is ecstatic about his new position at KHS.

“First and foremost, I plan to change the school dress code,” Boudreau said.

Boudreau has been conducting his own research to conclude that school uniforms could possibly negate the possibility of excessive discipline.

He has also found that students who attend year-round school are more likely to be successful later in life.

Starting in September 2018, boys will be expected to wear khakis, a royal blue polo shirt, gold knee-high socks, and black shoes. Girls will also be expected to wear blue and gold, plaid skirts no higher than the knee, a white blouse, and white shoes.

“Along with the new dress code, we are also switching to a year-round school,” Boudreau added.

Summer of 2018 will be the last time students have an entire summer off.

Year-round school allows more breaks, but they are spread out periodically throughout the year.

That also means more absences to use to the students’ advantage. Instead of nine absences in one semester, students will get 25 for the whole year.

Even with new rules underway students are still unaware of these changes.

Letters will be sent out by the office staff to parents in June. This gives families plenty of time to plan for the upcoming school year.

Disclaimer — This story is made up and is completely fictitious. Don’t believe a word of it. April Fools!