The Eclipse goes offline for spring break
IMAGE / Kelsea Wright
Students are already longing for the warmth and sunny days of summer.
However, we’re only halfway there — spring is just beginning.
In order to quench their thirst for freedom, students will go on spring break from Monday, April 2, to Friday, April 6.
Because we writers are also students, we will not be publishing over the week of spring break.
Whether you’re going out of town or just lounging at home, we at The Eclipse wish you a happy spring break!
— The Eclipse Staff

Birthday: May 11, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Newspaper
Hobbies: Playing violin, hanging with her friends and boyfriend, and horseback riding.

Birthday: September 9, 2002
Extracurricular activities: Robotics
Hobbies: Drawing and writing.
Plans after high school: Go to college (undecided)...