Classes of ’20, ’21 will move to Burgtorf
IMAGE / Hannah Hendley
Changes at KHS will take place soon.
Along with the construction planned to take place on the front of KHS beginning this June, there will also be construction at the Burgtorf building, once called Pumpkin Patch.
Burgtorf is the small building next to KHS, sitting just south of the soccer field.
Students and parents might wonder why this construction is needed.
When the Class of ’20 and the Class of ’21 become seniors and juniors, they will no longer attend the current high school building and move to the Burgtorf building.
Due to the growing amount of students attending KHS, the school is overflowing.
The motivation of this move is to create more space not only in hallways but also in the cafeteria, classrooms, and parking lots.
“Besides extra space,” Principal Brian Wiskur said, “this will also save money for our school.”
With fewer students in one area, it means less use of computers, desks, chairs, books, and vending machines.
Mr. Robert Markwardt, social studies teacher; Mr. Paul Adas, English teacher; Mrs. Colene Wilcox, math teacher; and Mr. Kelly Christian, chemistry teacher, will all be making the move with the upperclassmen.
Not only will students and teachers transition to the new building, Assistant Principal Matt Moore will also be moving to Burgtorf to keep everything in order.
Construction is set to take place this June and the transition will happen at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.
Disclaimer — This story is made up and is completely fictitious. Don’t believe a word of it. April Fools!

Birthday: February 7, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Tennis, dance, and float building.
Hobbies: Eating, reading, and drawing.
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