Parents may meet with teachers this week
IMAGE / Emilie Lewis
Parent-teacher conferences will take place in the KHS gym on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 8 and 9. The times are as follows: Wednesday from 2:45-5:45 p.m. and Thursday from 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Students’ report cards will be available for parents to pick up.
Parent-teacher conferences allow students, teachers, and parents to sit down and talk about students’ grades, their behavior in class, and how students could improve.
However, teachers have seen a decrease in the amount of parents that attend conferences.
“I see about 15 to 20 percent of parents on a good night,” Mrs. Kandy Cousins said.
Cousins believes that the reason for this is because parents can check their students’ grades online now that Kearsley has ParentVue.
“It’s more of a meet and greet now than a conference,” Cousins said. She believes it’s more of a way for a parent to “put a face to a name” of a teacher that their child has rather than talking about the student and his or her grade in the class.
Junior Niccos Patrick agrees with Cousins.
“If a parent wants to know what their child’s grade is, (they) go to ParentVue,” Patrick said. “If they really want to know how their child is acting in class, (they) email their teacher.”
Patrick’s mother attends conferences but only to meet his teachers.
Senior Rebekah Caudle disagrees, however.
“I do think they’re (conferences) important because if your child is struggling, this can be a great way to help solve that problem,” Caudle said.
Caudle’s parents do not attend conferences “because they don’t find it necessary” due to her good grades.
As a result of conferences, students will not have school on Friday, Nov. 10.
Although Patrick and Caudle disagree on whether or not parent-teacher conferences are important, they both are excited to get a day off from school.
“I think that getting Friday off is the only good thing about conferences,” Patrick said. “I need a break from school.”
Caudle believes that it gives students an “energy boost to kick start the new marking period.”
She also believes that the day off is important to the teachers, too, because “it’s nice to give the teachers a break.”

Birthday: June 3, 2000
Extracurricular activities: volleyball
Hobbies: Reading
Plans after high school: Go to college to be a sign language...