The Eclipse will report three out of five days for the start of the year
IMAGE / Mr. Darrick Puffer
The Eclipse staff kicks off the 2017-2018 school year outdoors.
Are you having trouble keeping up with school news this year?
Not to worry, The Eclipse is back and in action for the 2017-2018 school year.
A new school year means plenty of new things: new students, new classes, and — in turn — new reporters.
While the rookies learn the ropes, the veteran writers will publish Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to begin the year.
Don’t fret, we are only publishing in this way for a short time and will be back in full force after the first marking period.
We hope you can enjoy another fun-filled year of reading The Eclipse.

Birthday: May 11, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Newspaper
Hobbies: Playing violin, hanging with her friends and boyfriend, and horseback riding.